Determine if the project is a Class 1 or Class 2 building. In general, buildings that are 10,000 square feet or more are Class 1, and buildings smaller than 10,000 square feet are usually Class 2. See the full program guidelines for more information.
Class 1 buildings are generally larger than 10,000 square feet, and must be built or renovated to a standard that is 20 percent better than established building energy code. A list of Qualified Energy Analysts is available for Class 1 projects.
Class 2 buildings are smaller than 10,000 square feet, and also must be built or renovated to a standard that is 20 percent better than established energy code. Class 2 projects are self-administered, but ODOE staff are available to help navigate the process.
The SEED Guidelines describe the program and requirements in detail. They are intended for use by state agencies, building owners, building design team members, energy analysts, and ODOE staff.