Our Services

Energy Benchmarking and Energy Audit Services

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is your building required
to comply?

Many cities and states now mandate building benchmarking and energy audits. Find out if your property needs to comply - and what exemptions may apply.

Our Experts Will:

Evaluate your specific requirements

Check your compliance status

Identify potential exemptions

Provide clear next steps

→ Fill out the form below for a free compliance review

Energy Management Services

Energy Benchmarking

Requirement (due Annually)

Most cities or states require an annual Energy Benchmark report for buildings > 20,000 sq. ft. to be submitted.
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The utility data that is required is for 12 months of the previous year’s usage.

Example: In 2023, John submitted Energy Benchmark utility data from the previous year (May 2022-April 2022).
All data is entered into ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager and then submitted to LADBS. Utility information that is required includes Electrical, Gas, & Water. Any building with a high Energy Benchmark score (if applicable) may be able to apply for a Certification that can lead to an exemption on the Energy Audit required once every 5 years.

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Audits/RCx Requirement

(due once every 5-10 yrs)

Most cities or states also require building owners to comply with both the annual Energy Benchmark requirement and an on-site inspection* once every 5-10 years. The deadline for each building will vary based on square footage and the last digit of the building ID, APN or Parcel number and will be required to comply every 5-10 years from your original deadline. Get 10% off your energy audit when you purchase an Energy Benchmark! Limited Time offer

Compliance Options:

1. Exemptions

Contact us to find out if your building has exemptions!

2. Standard Compliance

Energy Audit, Water Audit, & Retro-Commissioning (RCx) Study

On-site inspections may be required to confirm the information provided.

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