Unlocking Efficiency: Tech-Powered Energy Benchmarking & Audits

Powered Energy Benchmarking & Audits - Insight Energy Consulting

  In the dynamic landscape of energy management, technology is reshaping how we benchmark and audit energy consumption. 🚀 Let’s dive into how harnessing tech isn’t just a trend but a game-changer, propelling us towards a more efficient and sustainable future. 🌿💡 Powering Precision with Data: Automated systems, advanced sensors, and real-time analytics are unleashing […]

ENERGY STAR® Certifications

ENERGY STAR® Certifications

When was the last time you spotted that trusty blue label on our energy-efficient gadgets or appliances? Have you ever made the savvy choice of an ENERGY STAR-certified product for savings & and efficiency? Well, did you know the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) extends its prestigious certification to entire buildings? 🏢 Regardless of age […]

ASHRAE Energy Audits: Level I, II, & III

Commercial Building - Insight Energy Consulting

  Let’s dive into the world of energy audits and the valuable standards set by ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers). 🌿💡 ASHRAE is the set scope of work for most cities in the U.S. They offer a structured approach to assess and enhance the performance of buildings, with 3 levels depending […]

San Francisco Energy Ordinance – Existing Commercial Buildings Energy Performance Ordinance (ECB)

San Francisco Energy Ordinance - Insight Energy Consulting

  The San Francisco Energy Ordinance, also known as the Existing Commercial Buildings Energy Performance Ordinance (ECB), mandates the benchmarking and disclosure of energy usage for non-residential buildings over 10,000 square feet. This regulation, in effect since 2011, positions San Francisco as a pioneer in fostering sustainability and responsible energy management. Energy Benchmarking is not […]

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